Charadrius morinellus (Dotterel)

Scientific name: Charadrius morinellus Linnaeus, 1758

Bird group: Waders

Field characters. 21 cm. Distinguishable by white band between brown breast and orange-chestnut underparts, and by blackish crown contrasting with broad, white superciliary stripes which meet on the nape. Belly blackish, contrasting with white vent; back grey; forehead dark grey, speckled white; cheeks and throat whitish. Wings dark brown. Juvenile and adult in winter paler, lacking striking pattern on underparts; breast and flanks ashy-brown, with indistinct pectoral band. Bill black, legs yellow.

Voice. Usual call is a twittering trill "wit-e-wee, wit-e-wee".

Distribution. Fairly common breeding bird in the most northern parts of Europe; elsewhere rare.

Habitat. In the breeding season, favours open flat, unvegetated uplands, stony ridges or mountain plateaux with bare rock or small stones and patches of moss. On passage on rough grounds, arable farmland, moors, heaths, and coastal marshes, stopping at regular staging points.

Food. Mostly found on the ground or between stones. Feeds mainly on insects and spiders, but takes also molluscs, earthworms, and plant material.