Emberiza pusilla (Little Bunting)

Scientific name: Emberiza pusilla Pallas, 1776

Bird group: Buntings

Field characters. 13 cm. Male in breeding plumage has striking chestnut head with black lines on sides of crown and around ear-coverts. White eye-ring and small lead-grey bill give characteristic look. Upperparts greyish-brown with long dark lines, underparts white with fine black streaks on breast and flanks. Has white on outer tail feathers. Female similar to male but duller coloured. Crown feathers often raised, giving head peaked appearance. Flicks and fans tail like Reed Bunting. Smaller than Reed Bunting; sometimes difficult to distinguish, especially in winter, but with different bill shape, no marking on lore, pale crown, and moustachial and malar stripes do not extend to bill. Usually solitary or in pairs. Rather shy, stays in dense cover.

Voice. Call sharp 'tick'. Song resembles Rustic Bunting, variable but short.

Distribution. Rather rare summer visitor.

Habitat. Breeds in woods in swampy habitat. On migration occurs in a variety of well vegetated areas.

Food. Mainly seeds and insects, found on the ground or in low vegetation.