Emberiza cia (Rock Bunting)

Scientific name: Emberiza cia Linnaeus, 1766

Bird group: Buntings

Field characters. 13.5 cm. Male easy to recognise by grey head with bold black stripes, and orange underparts. Grey, especially supercilium, often appearing almost white. Upperparts brown with black streaks, rump orange, tail with white in outer tail feathers. Narrow and indistinct white wing stripe. Female similar but colours duller, especially on head and underparts. Regularly flicks tail. Outside breeding season in flocks, often with Cirl Bunting.

Voice. Call thin 'zee'. Song rather long and clear, resembling song of Dunnock.

Distribution. Rather common resident.

Habitat. Hedgerows, forest edge and gardens at border of fields. In winter often seen on road sides.

Food. Mainly seeds, also insects, taken on the ground.