Plectrophenax nivalis (Snow Bunting)

Scientific name: Plectrophenax nivalis (Linnaeus, 1758)

Bird group: Buntings

Field characters. 16.5 cm. Male in breeding plumage with black back and central tail-feathers and rest of plumage pure white; in winter, white parts have turned rusty brown and back is warm brown mottled black. In breeding dress, female has head and back grey-brown flecked black; non-breeding plumage similar but duller. In all seasons with large white patches on upperwing. Flight swift and undulating. Gregarious outside breeding season

Voice. Flight call a rippling "tirrirririp", usually uttered when in flocks; also "tuee", "trree", and "chun".

Distribution. A resident on Iceland and in northern Scotland and a summer visitor in northern Europe; a winter visitor in other parts of the region.

Habitat. Nests on stony tundra, isolated rocky coasts and mountain tops. In winter quarters, frequents barren steppe, coastal marshes and, to a lesser extent, suitable inland areas such as pastures, arable land, etc.

Food. In summer, insects, seeds, and grasses; outside breeding season mainly seeds.