Pyrrhula pyrrhula (Eurasian Bullfinch)

Scientific name: Pyrrhula pyrrhula (Linnaeus, 1758)

Bird group: Finches and Crossbills

Field characters. 14.5 cm. Very characteristic bird, impossible to confuse with any other species. Male crimson red on underparts, black cap and bill, black wings with white wing bar, black tail, white rump and grey back. Female similar, but red on underparts replaced by buff brown. More often heard than seen. Usually in pairs or small flocks, rarely with other species. Rather shy and seldom far from cover.

Voice. Call soft whistling 'deu deu'. Song rarely heard.

Distribution. Scarce resident.

Habitat. Always in wooded areas, both in deciduous and coniferous forest. Also in large parks, gardens, orchards, etc.

Food. Mainly seeds, fruits and buds, especially buds of fruit trees and flowers. Also takes insects in summer.