Pinicola enucleator (Pine Grosbeak)

Scientific name: Pinicola enucleator (Linnaeus, 1758)

Bird group: Finches and Crossbills

Field characters. 20 cm. Superficially resembling Parrot Crossbill. Male red, with black wings and tail, dark spots on back and white lower belly and vent. Two white wing bars and white edges on tertials; tail forked. Bill heavy and dark with sharp hook; tips not crossed. Female as male but yellowish-green instead of red. Usually in small flocks. Often hopping around on the ground or seen in top of tree. Flight undulating.

Voice. Call 'tjuliwu' or 'tooi'. Song consists of series of calls.

Distribution. Scarce resident in north, migrates somewhat to the south but usually remains in Fenno-Scandian countries in winter.

Habitat. Mature spruce or mixed forests, often with undergrowth of berry-bearing shrub.

Food. Mainly seeds, buds, shoots and fruits, in summer also insects.