Bucanetes githagineus (Trumpeter Finch)

Scientific name: Bucanetes githagineus (Lichtenstein 1823)

Bird group: Finches and Crossbills

Field characters. 12.5 cm. Male greyish-brown with grey head and neck, but with conspicuous pink wash on whole plumage, especially on lower back, breast, belly, flight feathers and tail base. Upperparts slightly mottled. Dark round eye, dark flight and tail feathers. Most obvious is thick and short coral-red bill. Legs pink. Female resembles male, but is browner, without pink, and bill and legs pale flesh or greyish. Usually in pairs. Rather tame and therefore difficult to flush.

Voice. Call nasal, 'wèèèp' or 'tock'. Song metallic but rather soft.

Distribution. Rare and local.

Habitat. Found in wadi's of dry stony desert, almost without vegetation.

Food. Mainly seeds.