Carduelis chloris (Greenfinch)

Scientific name: Carduelis chloris (Linnaeus, 1758)

Bird group: Finches and Crossbills

Field characters. 14.5 cm. Stocky, green (male) or brownish-green (female) finch with rather heavy pale conical bill. Male with unstreaked green mantle, grey tertials, dark flight feathers and tail with much yellow. Female with slightly streaked browner mantle and with less yellow in wings and tail. In flight yellow wing bar and yellow on base of tail well visible. Juvenile brown with little green and strongly streaked. Usually in flocks, sometimes with other finches. Flight undulating. Song flight of male circling, with remarkably slow wing beats.

Voice. Call clear trill 'dididididi', also nasal 'djuwie'. Song series of calls, interspersed with long 'tswèèèèh'.

Distribution. Common resident, northern populations partially migrant.

Habitat. In half-open areas with plenty of bushes and trees, especially roses; never in dense woods. Frequent in parks, gardens, and plantations. Outside breeding season also in arable fields and wasteland near cover.

Food. Mainly seeds, buds and fruits; during breeding season also insects.