Serinus serinus (European Serin)

Scientific name: Serinus serinus (Linnaeus, 1766)

Bird group: Finches and Crossbills

Field characters. 11.5 cm. Small, striped yellow finch. Male has head and breast bright yellow. Crown streaked greenish, as are ear coverts. Upperparts olive-green with dark streaks, rump yellow, underparts white with dark spots and streaks on flanks. Very short stubby bill. Female as male, but greenish where male is yellow. Juvenile brown without any yellow. Flocks outside breeding season, often with other finches and buntings.

Voice. Calls 'tirrr', 'djui' and characteristic 'trillillit'. Song long and tinkling babble, reminiscent of song of Corn Bunting, given from perch or in flight.

Distribution. Abundant resident in south of region, scarce summer visitor in north.

Habitat. Open country with trees. Frequent near human settlements like orchards, parks, garden, and wastelands.

Food. Mainly seeds, in summer also insects. Food found on the ground or in top of grasses, weeds, etc.