Fringilla montifringilla (Brambling)

Scientific name: Fringilla montifringilla Linnaeus, 1758

Bird group: Finches and Crossbills

Field characters. 15 cm. Resembles Chaffinch in structure and size. Male in summer plumage has black head and mantle, orange throat, breast, scapulars and lesser wing coverts, black flight feathers and tail and white belly and rump. Wings have two orange-white wing bars. Female has brown head and mantle mottled with brown and black and has a grey patch on sides of neck. Male in winter as female. Bill black in summer, yellow in winter. In winter in flocks with Chaffinches and buntings and sometimes with larks. Gait shuffling, like Chaffinch.

Voice. Calls 'èèèp', 'tock', and 'chuck'. Song monotonous and long-drawn 'wèèèèèè'.

Distribution. Common breeding bird in Scandinavia. In winter common throughout whole region.

Habitat. Breeds in willow-, birch- and coniferous woods. In winter in beech- and other woods, but also in open areas, parks, etc.

Food. During breeding season, invertebrates and seeds, in winter seeds, berries and other fruits.