Montifringilla nivalis (Snow Finch)

Scientific name: Montifringilla nivalis (Linnaeus, 1766)

Bird group: Finches and Crossbills

Field characters. 18 cm. A rather sturdy bird, restricted to high mountains. Male in breeding plumage has dark grey head with white sub-moustachial stripe and black throat, warm chocolate-brown upperparts, scapulars and tertials, black rump, black tail with white outer rectrices, white wings with black primaries, pale buffish cream underparts, and black bill. Female is similar with less extensive white regions and with brownish wash on head. Non-breeding adults are somewhat greyer overall, with a light orange bill. Juveniles resemble female in breeding plumage, but duller and with less pronounced contrast. Male has conspicuous nuptial flight; utters song whilst spiralling down with spread wings and tail. Also soars on thermals. Usually confiding.

Voice. Common call a grating, hoarse "chueek". Song melodious and chirruping, with a repeated "tweet-si-jitter" as main theme.

Distribution. Locally common resident.

Habitat. Almost exclusively found above treeline in summer. Will descend to lower valleys during the winter. Often found near mountain huts and human settlements.

Food. Mainly seeds and some insects; also other food, in particular human refuse of all kinds if available.