Passer montanus (Tree Sparrow)

Scientific name: Passer montanus (Linnaeus, 1758)

Bird group: Sparrows

Field characters. 14 cm. Sexes similar, unlike House Sparrow; juveniles slightly duller. In all plumages like House or Spanish Sparrow, but recognisable by almost complete white collar, black patch on white ear coverts, smaller black "bib" which does not extend beyond throat, chocolate-brown head and flight-call. Back and wings warm brown streaked with black, rump yellow-brown, tail dark brown, underparts off-white. Mingles quite often with other sparrows and finches.

Voice. Reminiscent of House Sparrow's, but higher-pitched, terser and more melodious; flight-call is distinctive: a sharp "tek-tek".

Distribution. Fairly common top common. Populations of higher latitudes migrate southward during winter.

Habitat. Differs per region; prefers open country with scattered trees, orchards and rural land where its distribution range overlaps that of House Sparrow. Replaces House Sparrow in human settlements outside range of House Sparrow.

Food. Mainly insects and plant seeds; it has a broader range of food where present near human settlements.