Sturnus roseus (Rose-coloured Starling)

Scientific name: Sturnus roseus (Linnaeus, 1758)

Bird group: Starlings

Field characters. 21 cm. Unmistakable in adult plumage. Similar to Starling in habits and silhouette. Adult with black head, wings and tail and with pink back, rump and underparts. Legs pink, bill yellow with black base. Adult male has purplish gloss on head and greenish gloss on wings, and prominent crest. Female has less gloss, shorter crest, less deep pink plumage and less black on base of bill. Juvenile pale brown; resembles a pale juvenile Starling, but with especially rump and legs pale, stronger yellowish, and without dark lores. In western Europe usually joins Starling-flocks.

Voice. Call and song reminiscent of Starling, but louder and more musical.

Distribution. Rare summer visitor in SE Europe, but in more common some years.

Habitat. Dry open landscape, especially grass steppe.

Food. During breeding season large insects, especially grasshoppers, outside breeding season mainly seeds and fruits.