Corvus monedula (Jackdaw)

Scientific name: Corvus monedula Linnaeus, 1758

Bird group: Crows

Field characters. 32 cm. A well-known lively bird, which often occurs in large flocks, together with Starlings and Rooks; unlike most relatives has a rapid, jerky gait and swift flight with quick wingbeats; often seen performing aerial acrobatics in large groups. Easily distinguishable from congeners by smaller size, perky behaviour, shorter, less massive bill, distinctive voice, and plumage. Nape and ear coverts are grey, underparts are dark grey, eye is pale grey; all other parts are black. Juvenile is browner, but other characteristics make confusion unlikely.

Voice. Short, high-pitched "tchak", which is rapidly repeated when excited, and a short "kyow"; during breeding season also various other sounds. In general a rather noisy bird.

Distribution. Common; southern populations are resident, northern populations in part migrate southward during winter.

Habitat. Most often found in open wooded regions and parks, but also near old buildings and on sea- and inland cliffs; forages predominantly on arable and pasture land. Builds nests in cavity of tree, building, or rock, or even in rabbit-burrow; mostly in large groups.

Food. Predominantly animal matter; small invertebrates and vertebrates. Also some plant matter, such as crops, cereals, fruit and berries.