Pyrrhocorax graculus (Alpine Chough)

Scientific name: Pyrrhocorax graculus (Linnaeus, 1766)

Bird group: Crows

Field characters. 38 cm. Plumage black, without characteristic blue gloss of Chough; legs are red, bill is much shorter and straighter than Chough's, and bright yellow instead of red. Juvenile is black, tinged brown, and has dark legs. At all ages, bill is distinguishing feature. Behaviour is similar to that of Chough.

Voice. Less varied than Chough's; most often heard are a metallic rolling "chrrreee" and a high-pitched, clear, shrill "chee-oop", and combinations thereof.

Distribution. A common resident where present.

Habitat. More strictly mountainous than Chough; very rarely seen near coast or on lowlands; builds nest in clefts of rocks or in small caves. Descends to valleys near human settlements to feed.

Food. Mainly insects and invertebrates, but during winter also other food matters, depending on availability.