Lanius nubicus (Masked Shrike)

Scientific name: Lanius nubicus Lichtenstein, 1823

Bird group: Shrikes

Field characters. 17 cm. Smaller, more slender, and longer-tailed than Woodchat Shrike. Upperparts mainly black, with white patches on scapulars. Forehead white, extending behind eye, leaving black mask. White patches on primaries and white on sides of tail. Underparts white, with orange wash on flanks. Female similar to male, but much paler on head and flanks. Bill smaller than in other shrikes. Juvenile strongly barred on upperparts and flanks and without black on upperparts, resembling juvenile Woodchat Shrike. Behaviour less conspicuous than other shrikes, usually sitting low in tree or bush instead of on top.

Voice. Call harsh 'krrr'. Song long babbling warble of harsh notes.

Distribution. Scarce summer visitor in SE Europe.

Habitat. Open woodland and cultivated areas, with more trees and bushes than Lesser Grey Shrike and Great Grey Shrike.

Food. Mainly insects, spotted from perch.