Oriolus oriolus (Golden Oriole)

Scientific name: Oriolus oriolus (Linnaeus, 1758)

Bird group: Orioles

Field characters. 25 cm. Male unmistakable; plumage bright yellow with black lores, wings, and tail; tips of outer tail feathers are yellow. Female and juvenile rather similar, although former is more brightly coloured: upperparts, flanks and vent greenish yellow; wings and tail darker and greener; remaining underparts white with a faint yellow wash and finely streaked with grey. More often heard than seen, since bird is very secretive and prefers to remain hidden in canopy. Flight heavy and undulating. Most often seen alone or in pairs, but sometimes in flocks on migration.

Voice. Highly characteristic: common call a liquid, clear, whistling "weela-weeow". When alarmed it utters a harsh, Jay-like, scolding "skaah", or other harsh notes.

Distribution. A fairly common breeding bird in entire Europe, except Great Britain and Scandinavia, where it is scarce and local.

Habitat. A strictly arboreal bird which prefers canopy of predominantly deciduous trees in well-wooded regions. Nest a cup woven in fork of branch.

Food. Predominantly insects, but in late summer also considerable quantities of fruit.