Sitta neumayer (Western Rock Nuthatch)

Scientific name: Sitta neumayer Michahelles, 1830

Bird group: Nuthatches

Field characters. 14 cm. Like a long-billed Eurasian Nuthatch, but much paler. Upperparts slate blue, black line from bill through eye, almost to back of head, underparts white on throat and breast, becoming cream-yellow (instead of orange) on belly and undertail. Tail uniform blue-grey. Behaves like a Nuthatch but habitually climbs on rocks instead of trees. Both species are infrequently found together; where they meet Rock Nuthatch feeds on ground near tree trunks, Nuthatch on trees. Active but shy. Nest built in crevices, opening paved with mud like Nuthatch.

Voice. Very obvious. Song high and shrill, with a trilling start followed by a warble, ending with melodious 'chuwie chuwie chuwie'. Calls loud 'chiuw', peet peet', chèèè', etc.

Distribution. Resident. Locally common in SE Europe.

Habitat. Inhabits slopes, steep cliffs, and canyons with bare rocks and maquis.

Food. Probably largely invertebrates.