Parus major (Great Tit)

Scientific name: Parus major Linnaeus, 1758

Bird group: Tits and allies

Field characters. 14 cm. Largest common tit. Head black with white cheeks, upperparts green, underparts yellow with broad black band from chest to vent, wings greenish-blue with white wing bar and white tips on tertials, tail blackish-blue with white edges, strong black bill. Small yellowish spot in neck resembles Coal Tit, but spot in latter larger and whiter. In male, the black band is wider than in female and extends between legs. Juvenile like adult, bull colours paler. Often feeds on ground and in lower part of trees and bushes. Near human settlements often breeds in nest boxes.

Voice. Variable. Calls include 'wheet', 'churr', 'pink' (like Chaffinch), 'titja', etc. Song 'ti ti che, ti ti che' and variations.

Distribution. Abundant. Resident, but northern populations move south in autumn.

Habitat. Inhabits a variety of wooded and half open areas, like deciduous and mixed woods, parks, gardens, etcetera. On migration also found in treeless areas with bushes, like Blue Tit.

Food. Invertebrates, seeds, and fruits.