Parus caeruleus (Blue Tit)

Scientific name: Parus caeruleus Linnaeus 1758

Bird group: Tits and allies

Field characters. 11.5 cm. Main colours blue and yellow. Small restless tit. Crown, wings and tail blue, cheeks white, upperparts green, and underparts yellow. Black stripes around blue and white on head gives 'sharp' look. Inconspicuous black stripe on belly. Juveniles in late summer and early autumn are duller coloured, with the blue parts greener and the yellow less vivid. Outside breeding season often in flocks with other tits.

Voice. Variable. Characteristic song clear 'tsee tsee tsee trrrrrr'. Calls thin 'tsee', 'sisisi' and stronger calls resembling Great Tit.

Distribution. Abundant. Mainly resident, but some migration occurs in autumn.

Habitat. Often found in gardens and parks, where it breeds in nest boxes. More natural habitats involve deciduous and mixed forests, uncommon in pine forest. Outside breeding season, often found in low bushes, hedges, etc.

Food. Mainly invertebrates, but seeds and fruits also taken, especially in winter. Feeds more on the ground than other tits, but less so than Great Tit.