Parus palustris (Marsh Tit)

Scientific name: Parus palustris Linnaeus 1758

Bird group: Tits and allies

Field characters. 11.5 cm. Almost identical to Willow Tit, with black crown, neck and bib, brown upperparts and white cheeks and underparts with buff flanks. Differs by showing no light wing panel, and a small clear-cut bib; also voice different. In winter mixes with other tits. Like Willow Tit, feeds more often close to ground than other tits.

Voice. Characteristic 'pitsje'. Other calls are more tit-like, like 'tsee', 'sisisi', etc. Song resembles that of Lesser Whitethroat.

Distribution. Rather common resident, but often local.

Habitat. More commonly found in higher deciduous or mixed open forests than Willow Tit, both dry and moist, without any apparent preference. Also in orchards, near hedgerows, and in large parks.

Food. Mainly insects, but also seeds and berries.