Panurus biarmicus (Bearded Tit)

Scientific name: Panurus biarmicus (Linnaeus, 1758)

Bird group: Tits and allies

Field characters. 14 cm. A strikingly coloured tit-like bird, with a long tail and a compact body. Both sexes warm brown and russet above, with black and white lines on shoulders and wings. Tail is half of total length and brown, with obvious black spot on undertail coverts. Underparts are paler, with flanks same colour of upperparts. Male has blue-grey head with a broad black moustachial stripe. Female has head grey-brown without black marks on top. Both sexes have pink or orange bill and yellow to orange iris. Juveniles are yellow where adults are brown and have dark bills. Usually seen in reed beds, in pairs or families during the breeding season, in flocks in winter. Flight consists of bursts of whirring wing-beats. Migrating flocks show a very distinctive ball-shape. Sometimes conspicuous and tame, at other occasions elusive and noted only by characteristic call.

Voice. Call a clear whistling 'ping ping'. Song seldom heard.

Distribution. Generally scarce, but in some years locally numerous.

Habitat. Mixed stands of older and younger reed in extensive reedbeds.

Food. During summer insects and other invertebrates, during winter seeds of reed only.