Ficedula albicollis (Collared Flycatcher)

Scientific name: Ficedula albicollis (Temminck, 1815)

Bird group: Flycatchers

Field characters. 12.5 cm. Male resembles male Pied Flycatcher, with black and white plumage. Differs by showing broad white band in neck, more white on forehead, more white in wings, and white rump (black in Pied Flycatcher). Female very difficult to distinguish from female Pied, but has faint light collar, greyer upperparts, whiter rump, broader white band on wing coverts and more white on primaries. Juvenile resembles female. Occasionally hybridises with Pied Flycatcher.

Voice. Calls 'whit', 'chick', 'whiet' and 'fieup'. Song resembles Pied Flycatcher, but often starts with 'bsrie bsrie'.

Distribution. Rather common summer visitor.

Habitat. Occurs mainly in mature deciduous woods, but also in parks, gardens and the like.

Food. Mainly insects, caught in typical flycatcher-way.