Muscicapa striata (Spotted Flycatcher)

Scientific name: Muscicapa striata (Pallas, 1764)

Bird group: Flycatchers

Field characters. 14 cm. Brown or grey-brown with dark streaks on breast and forehead. Wing coverts and tertials with brown edges, underparts greyish-white, no white in tail. Narrow and inconspicuous whitish eye-ring. Sexes alike. Upright stance and streaked breast are best field characters. Usually found alone, in pairs or in family parties.

Voice. Call high and shrill 'tsee' or 'tsree'. Song high and hurried, resembling a repetition of calls.

Distribution. Common summer visitor.

Habitat. Open deciduous and mixed woodland, parks, gardens, and orchards.

Food. Mainly insects, caught in typical flycatcher-way: insects are spotted from perch and captured after short pursuit-flight, after which bird returns to same or nearby perch.