Phylloscopus bonelli (Bonelli's Warbler)

Scientific name: Phylloscopus bonelli (Vieillot, 1819)

Bird group: Warblers

Field characters. 11 cm. Resembles Chiffchaff, but appearance longer and sleeker. Grey-green on head, neck and mantle; bright-green on rump and edges of flight feathers, latter forming green wing panel; breast greyish-white; underparts white. Eastern Bonelli's Warbler P. orientalis (nowadays considered a separate species) has more greyish upperparts, a less conspicuous green wing panel and a distinct call. Wings shorter than Wood Warbler and no bright yellow on breast and face. Supercilium and eye-stripe faint, round dark eye prominent, giving plain-faced appearance. More seen in lower storey of forest than Wood Warbler. Sexes similar.

Voice. Call 'djuwieuw' (bonelli) or 'tchip' (orientalis). Song a toneless trill, similar to but slower than Wood Warbler, without acceleration.

Distribution. Locally quite common in summer.

Habitat. Coniferous and deciduous mountain forest, more open and less high than in Wood Warbler.

Food. Invertebrates, mainly caught in trees.