Sylvia borin (Garden Warbler)

Scientific name: Sylvia borin (Boddaert, 1783)

Bird group: Warblers

Field characters. 14 cm. Without any obvious field marks. Upperparts mainly brown or brownish-grey, wings and tail somewhat darker, underparts buffish white. Dark eye, very indistinct supercilium, indistinct white eye-ring, short stocky bill, pale grey legs. Sometimes mistaken for other warblers, notably reed warblers, but distinguished by small grey patch at side of neck. Sexes similar. Habits like Blackcap, usually staying in cover and not singing from exposed songpost, as sometimes done by Blackcap.

Voice. Calls 'check' and 'churr'. Song gentle and hurried, like a speedy Blackbird, difficult to distinguish from Blackcap but more warbling and phrases longer, without clear notes at end.

Distribution. Common summer visitor.

Habitat. Luxuriant open forest with dense undergrowth, in parks, gardens, or along edge of woodland. Prefers more shrub and less trees than Blackcap.

Food. Insects and berries.