Sylvia cantillans (Subalpine Warbler)

Scientific name: Sylvia cantillans (Pallas, 1764)

Bird group: Warblers

Field characters. 12.5 cm. Male with blue-grey upperparts, long grey tail with white edges, wings with narrow grey-brown edges on tertials. Chin, throat, breast and flanks pinkish orange, centre of belly white. Bright red orbital ring and red legs. Female browner on upperparts and underparts with pinkish flush where male is strong pink, especially on throat; red orbital ring, less conspicuously as male or absent; legs pale brown. Primaries project further beyond tertials than in Spectacled Warbler. Skulking habits make it hard to see, but male has conspicuous song flight from exposed post.

Voice. Call soft 'tec'. Song continuing warble of quiet notes, not unlike Sardinian Warbler.

Distribution. Locally rather common summer visitor.

Habitat. Open areas with dense scrub and higher bushes or trees. Orchards, maquis, edges of woodland, etc.

Food. Small insects and berries, mainly found in dense vegetation.