Sylvia conspicillata (Spectacled Warbler)

Scientific name: Sylvia conspicillata Temminck, 1820

Bird group: Warblers

Field characters. 12.5 cm. General colours as Common Whitethroat. Male with grey head, white eye-ring, white throat, pink breast and flanks, white belly, rufous edges on wing feathers and grey tail with white edges. Cap and upperparts of female browner, breast less pink. Smaller than Whitethroat, head and breast usually somewhat darker, more emphasising white throat; primaries project less beyond tertials and rufous edges on wing coverts, secondaries and tertials usually much broader. Difficult to obtain good views, except from singing male, which uses perch and makes short song flights. Usually found in low vegetation, often in cover on the ground.

Voice. Calls 'tec' and 'trrrr'. Song fast warble, with many chattering notes.

Distribution. Locally common summer visitor.

Habitat. Typically found in saltmarshes with dense vegetation, especially Glasswort; also in other low and dense vegetation with scattered trees and bushes.

Food. Mainly small insects, captured in cover and on open ground.