Sylvia undata (Dartford Warbler)

Scientific name: Sylvia undata (Boddaert, 1783)

Bird group: Warblers

Field characters. 12.5 cm. Resembles Marmora's Warbler. Tiny dark warbler with long tail. Whole upperparts grey, including tail and wings. Tail has white edges and often a small white spot visible on wing-bend. Underparts dark pinkish-red with white belly and white spots on throat. Underparts often appear dark and confusion may then arise with Marmora's Warbler. Eye-ring and iris red, legs orange. Female like male, but upperparts browner and underparts paler. Juvenile strongly resembles juvenile Marmora's Warbler; see that species for separation. Active, usually rather easy to see, except when chased. Flight weak, fluttery and bobbing. Often sings from top of a bush.

Voice. Call characteristic 'chèèèè', also 'tac'. Song warbling but scratchy, with short phrases.

Distribution. Common resident.

Habitat. In dense scrub, avoids woodland. Especially found in maquis and gorse.

Food. Mainly small invertebrates, also berries.