Locustella luscinioides (Savi's Warbler)

Scientific name: Locustella luscinioides (Savi, 1824)

Bird group: Warblers

Field characters. 14 cm. A uniform dweller of marshland, resembling River Warbler or Reed Warbler. Unstreaked and brown all-over, except for white belly and underparts. Differs from River Warbler in lacking streaked breast and patterned undertail coverts (latter sometimes has narrow white edges). Differs from Reed Warbler in darker colour, broad rounded tail with long undertail coverts, bulkier appearance, lighter coloured legs, and habits. Often on the ground, like River Warbler. Also sings at night.

Voice. Call loud 'tsik'. Song monotonous and mechanical 'rrrrrrrrrr', very similar to Grasshopper Warbler, but lower pitched and with shorter phrases.

Distribution. Local summer visitor.

Habitat. Dense partly flooded reed beds.

Food. Invertebrates. Feeds low in vegetation or on the ground.