Cettia cetti (Cetti's Warbler)

Scientific name: Cettia cetti (Temminck, 1820)

Bird group: Warblers

Field characters. 14 cm. Usually heard before seen. Round robust chestnut-brown warbler. White supercilium, grey cheeks and sides of breast, short rounded wings and very rounded tail. Underparts lighter, greyish white, flanks slightly rufous. Often flicks tail and wing, and tail often cocked, making it look like a large Wren. Not shy, but skulking habits make it difficult to see.

Voice. Calls 'plut', 'tsie', 'tsik'. Song very characteristic, explosive short phrase 'tchee, tchee chou cheechou wichou', given all year round.

Distribution. Common resident.

Habitat. In tangled vegetation near water, but sometimes in drier habitat. Avoids uniform reed beds.

Food. Insects, berries, and possibly seeds.