Turdus iliacus (Redwing)

Scientific name: Turdus iliacus Linnaeus, 1766

Bird group: Thrushes and allies

Field characters. 21 cm. Smaller and sleeker than Song Thrush. Upperparts earth-brown. Head with obvious cream-coloured supercilium. Chest with golden tinge, heavily spotted onto flanks, belly white. Flanks and underwing coverts orange-red. In flight rather long wing and short tails recalls Starling. During summer in pairs or small flocks, on migration and in winter often in large flocks, sometimes admixed with Song Thrush and Fieldfare. Usually shy, but especially during severe cold more approachable.

Voice. Song a monotonous 'turee turee turee'. Call, often heard during nocturnal migration or when flushed, a characteristic soft 'tseeee'.

Distribution. Widespread and numerous. In winter spreading over whole region, even south into North Africa.

Habitat. Breeds in coniferous and deciduous woodlands, parks, suburbs and even beyond treeline in low bushes. In winter found in woods, but also more open areas and fields, if cover available nearby.

Food. Invertebrates, seeds and fruits. Feeds both high in trees or on the ground. In winter often feeds in meadows and lawns.