Ptyonoprogne rupestris (Crag Martin)

Scientific name: Ptyonoprogne rupestris (Scopoli 1769)

Bird group: Swallows

Field characters. 15 cm. Larger than Sand Martin with broader wings, tail, head and body. Looks dusky at distance. Upperparts dark brown, underparts paler grey-brown, lightest on breast and upper belly. Underwing coverts almost black. White spots on tail, but seen only at short distance. Tail almost square. Flight calm, with less wingbeats and longer glides than Sand Martin, often very close to cliffs. Usually seen in small loose groups, but sometimes, especially in winter, gathers in large roost.

Voice. Rather inconspicuous. Call subdued 'chit', 'pritit', 'chuur', etc. Song chittering, like a series of calls, sometimes reminiscent of song of Barn Swallow.

Distribution. Partly resident in some regions, otherwise summer visitor. Locally common.

Habitat. Mountainous regions, up to considerable height. Often near steep cliffs.

Food. Invertebrates, captured in flight.