Dendrocopos medius (Middle Spotted Woodpecker)

Scientific name: Dendrocopos medius (Linnaeus, 1758)

Bird group: Woodpeckers

Field characters. 22 cm. Somewhat reminiscent to juvenile Great Spotted Woodpecker, because of black-and-white plumage and red cap, but smaller and no black stripe on side of head (as in Syrian Woodpecker), no black moustachial stripe, black 'patch' on sides of neck. Underparts whitish, belly yellow, small black stripes on flanks and pinkish vent and undertail coverts. Usually found high in trees and difficult to observe.

Voice. Loud 'keek', 'ptik-chek-chek-chek' and wailing 'whijeeeh'. Rarely drums.

Distribution. Rare resident, decreasing, but more common in eastern part of region.

Habitat. Old mature deciduous forest and parks.

Food. Almost entirely insects, but takes some seeds. Feeds like Great Spotted Woodpecker, on trunks, branches and twigs.