Dendrocopos syriacus (Syrian Woodpecker)

Scientific name: Dendrocopos syriacus (Ehrenberg, 1833)

Bird group: Woodpeckers

Field characters. 23 cm. Very similar to Great Spotted Woodpecker. Distinguishing characters absence of black stripe on side of head, slightly more white in wings, less extensive, more pinkish colour on vent and undertail, and tail almost entirely black. Juvenile like juvenile Great Spotted Woodpecker, but underparts slightly streaked and has a reddish breastband.

Voice. Like Great Spotted Woodpecker 'kik' or 'keek', but softer and usually more silent. Also 'kirrook', somewhat like call of Common Moorhen.

Distribution. Common resident, spreading north-westward.

Habitat. Like in Great Spotted Woodpecker, but more frequent in cultivated areas and less in extensive woodlands.

Food. Insects, larvae and other invertebrates. Takes more plant food throughout the year than do other woodpeckers, like seeds, nuts and other fruits. Feeds both on ground and in trees.