Dryocopus martius (Black Woodpecker)

Scientific name: Dryocopus martius (Linnaeus, 1758)

Bird group: Woodpeckers

Field characters. 46 cm. Largest European woodpecker. Easily recognised on entirely black plumage. Flight less undulating than other woodpeckers, reminiscent of Eurasian Jay. Male has red cap, female has a small red spot on nape. Bill whitish-horn-coloured. Makes large holes in trees.

Voice. In spring a loud 'kruu kruu kruu' in flight, lower and slower than Green Woodpecker with obvious 'r'. Also wailing 'whijeeeh'. Drums regularly and very loudly.

Distribution. Scarce in many parts of the region; more common in the north but in lower densities.

Habitat. Mature deciduous and pine forests.

Food. Mainly ants and beetles, but sometimes fruits and seeds. Feeds both on ground and in trees; ringing bark to reach prey. Often spends much time on tree stumps.