Picus viridis (Green Woodpecker)

Scientific name: Picus viridis Linnaeus, 1758

Bird group: Woodpeckers

Field characters. 32 cm. Large woodpecker, easily recognised by green plumage with red cap. Looks surprisingly yellow in flight, because of yellow rump and lower back. Black mask around eyes and black moustachial stripe, latter with red spot in male. Cheek grey, throat and upper breast whitish, becoming light green on belly and undertail. Primaries with whitish spots. Juvenile spotted on back, with barred underparts and red moustachial stripe. More often seen on ground than other woodpeckers. Flight undulating, as in other woodpeckers. The Spanish subspecies sharpei has more grey on head and breast, a yellower rump and a red moustachial stripe.

Voice. Loud laughing 'kluu kluu kluu kluu kluu'. Rarely drums.

Distribution. Locally common resident.

Habitat. Deciduous and mixed forests with old trees with open places, parks, etc. Often feeds on the ground and can be seen in treeless area but always close to cover.

Food. Depends largely on ants, but also takes some other invertebrates. Occasionally takes seeds and fruits.