Picus canus (Grey-headed Woodpecker)

Scientific name: Picus canus J. F. Gmelin, 1788

Bird group: Woodpeckers

Field characters. 25 cm. Reminiscent of Green Woodpecker, but smaller, head mainly grey with red forehead (only in male), black lores, and small black moustachial stripe; no black mask. Juvenile barred on flanks.

Voice. Like Green Woodpecker, but slower, lower and fading out towards end. Drums infrequently.

Distribution. Rather common in central part of region, rare in the north.

Habitat. Older deciduous and mixed forest with open places, but also in higher pine woods in mountains. Appears to be more continental than Green Woodpecker.

Food. Foraging less frequently on the ground than Green Woodpecker and less dependant on ants. Mainly invertebrates, but also fruits.