Strix nebulosa (Great Grey Owl)

Scientific name: Strix nebulosa Forster, 1772

Bird group: Owls

Field characters. 70 cm. About the size of an Eagle Owl, but lacks ear tufts and has a round head, striking facial disc, longer tail and a grey, not brown, plumage. Upperparts have irregular dark and whitish streaks, underparts are broadly streaked. Facial disc large with concentric dark rings; eyes yellow. Flight calm with many long glides. Large head obvious in flight. Hunts, during day and night, from a look-out.

Voice. Song low, booming and soft series of 'hoo hoo hoo', reminding of Bittern.

Distribution. Rare resident. In some years locally rather common, in other years virtually absent.

Habitat. Old dense pine or deciduous forest, with open places like fields and swamps.

Food. Mainly voles, also birds. Hunts from perche.