Bubo scandiacus (Snowy Owl)

Scientific name: Bubo scandiacus (Linnaeus, 1758)

Bird group: Owls

Field characters. 53-66 cm. Female larger than male. Huge, mainly white owl without ear tufts. Adult male mainly white, with few black marks on back and upperwings. Female heavier barred black on crown, neck, upperparts, rump, tail and flight feathers. Yellow iris. Feet completely feathered, only black nails visible. Flight flapping, interspersed with glides. Wings rounded. Sits on the ground or on rocks.

Voice. Mainly during breeding season, 'hoo', 'craoo', 'crac' etc.

Distribution. Rare resident, probably declining.

Habitat. Arctic tundra.

Food. During breeding season, when present, mainly Lemmings. Outside breeding season a variety of mammals and birds.