Columba oenas (Stock Dove)

Scientific name: Columba oenas Linnaeus, 1758

Bird group: Pigeons and Doves

Field characters. 33 cm. Smaller than Wood Pigeon, more slender than Rock Dove. Plumage mainly dark grey, with shiny green area on side of neck and a vinous chest. Wing with two short and indistinct black bars; tail bordered by a black band. Primaries dark. Underwings grey; wings more rounded than Wood Pigeon and Rock Dove. No white in plumage. Bill yellow. Circles with raised wings in conspicuous display. Usually more shy than Wood Pigeon and secretive during breeding season. Breeds in holes in trees or in rabbit holes.

Voice. A repeated 'hoo hoo'.

Distribution. Fairly common. Resident or partly migratory.

Habitat. Open forest, edges of woodland, isolated copses in farmland, and in dunes.

Food. Mainly seeds, green vegetable matter, and flowers; also some invertebrates.