Columba livia (Rock Dove)

Scientific name: Columba livia J. F. Gmelin, 1789

Bird group: Pigeons and Doves

Field characters. 33 cm. Smaller than Wood Pigeon, near Stock Dove in size. Rather like a Stock Dove, showing mainly grey plumage, but neck sides green and purple, two distinct black bars on wings, and rump usually white. Underwing white; bill black. The domesticated Feral Pigeon is numerous near human settlements, and some colour forms look exactly like Rock Doves. Sometimes interbreeds with Feral Pigeon.

Voice. Like Feral Pigeon: "oo-coo" and variants.

Distribution. True Rock Doves probably rare. Feral Pigeon common.

Habitat. Resident on steep cliffs on oceanic coasts and in inland mountain areas.

Food. Mainly seeds, but also green vegetable matter and some invertebrates.