Chlidonias hybridus (Whiskered Tern)

Scientific name: Chlidonias hybridus (Pallas, 1811)

Bird group: Gulls and Terns

Field characters. 25 cm. Larger than Black Tern and White-winged Black Tern and in summer plumage impossible to confuse with either species; more resembles a small Common Tern, with a black cap, dark red bill and legs and grey upperparts. Unlike Common Tern, has dark grey underparts, leaving only the sides of the head and the undertail coverts white. Rump and uppertail grey, like back and upper wings. Tail shows shallow fork. Pale grey in winter plumage, then looking like a miniature Gull-billed Tern, with a dark bill, black ear-coverts and a black and white streaked cap, and with grey colour on upperparts extending onto rump and uppertail. Juvenile more or less like White-winged Black Tern, with dark brown feathers on back, extending onto lesser coverts, but otherwise looks like adult in winter plumage. Wings broader and flight slower and less erratic than Black and White-winged Black Terns.

Voice. Rasping but soft 'kerk', 'kerch'.

Distribution. Summer visitor. Locally common, but possibly declining due to habitat destruction.

Habitat. Freshwater lakes and marshes with sufficient floating vegetation. In winter also near large lakes and marshes.

Food. Insects, fish, amphibians.