Sterna dougallii (Roseate Tern)

Scientific name: Sterna dougallii Montagu, 1813

Bird group: Gulls and Terns

Field characters. 36 cm. Similar to Common Gull and Arctic Tern. Like those species has a long bill, short legs, black cap, greyish upperparts and white underparts. Bill longer than in Common Tern, appearing black with a red base. Upperwings paler than in Common Tern and 2-4 outer primaries darker than rest of the wing (4-6 in Common Tern). No dark trailing edge to primaries on underwing. Overall, whiter plumage, long dark bill, and upperwing pattern makes this species look like a Sandwich Tern. Legs are short and red, but somewhat longer than in Common Tern. In early breeding season, outer tail feathers much longer than those of Arctic Tern, protruding far beyond wings when perched, but difference not obvious in rest of year. Juvenile looks intermediate between juvenile Arctic and Sandwich Tern, with more coarsely marked upperparts than Arctic Tern.

Voice. Most characteristic call 'chu-ik', like Spotted Redshank.

Distribution. Summer visitor. Rare and decreasing.

Habitat. Coastal.

Food. Marine fish.