Limosa limosa (Black-tailed Godwit)

Scientific name: Limosa limosa (Linnaeus, 1758)

Bird group: Waders

Field characters. 41 cm. Differs from Bar-tailed Godwit in longer, straight bill, much longer legs projecting conspicuously beyond tail during flight, white tail with broad black terminal band, broad, white wing-bar and more slender body. In summer head and breast chestnut-brown, flanks and belly white, with blackish markings. Subspecies islandica from Iceland, N Norway and N Scotland is slightly smaller with shorter legs and bill; deeper rusty-red extends further onto belly. In winter resembles Bar-tailed Godwit, except for general appearance in flight and black terminal tail-band. Juvenile with isabelline neck and breast and scaly upperparts.

Voice. Flight-call a clear 'wicka-wicka'. Song a repeated 'grweeto'.

Distribution. Common summer visitor.

Habitat. Breeds in moist meadows, inland dunes, and soggy heathland.

Food. Mainly invertebrates, such as insects, annelids, and molluscs, obtained by probing and pecking; in winter and on migration also some plant material.