Vanellus vanellus (Northern Lapwing)

Scientific name: Vanellus vanellus (Linnaeus, 1758)

Bird group: Waders

Field characters. 31 cm. Bird typical of agricultural country. A large metallic green, black-and-white plover, with long crest and broad black band on breast, contrasting with white underparts. Rounded wings and relatively slow flapping action are distinctive. Tail white, with broad black terminal band; under tail-coverts rufous-buff.

Voice. Typical spring song "peerweet-weet-weet....peer-weet" is given in conspicuous display flight by male.

Distribution. Common breeding bird.

Habitat. Occurs on arable agricultural land, moorlands, dunes, heath lands, etc.

Food. Feeding method consists of walk or run-pause-probe for prey. Practices frequently foot-trembling. Takes a wide variety of prey, mainly small invertebrates living in or on the ground: all sorts of insects, earthworms, molluscs, millipedes, woodlice, frogs, and small fish.