Gallinula chloropus (Common Moorhen)

Scientific name: Gallinula chloropus (Linnaeus, 1758)

Bird group: Rails and Crakes

Field characters. 32-35 cm. A blackish waterbird which differs from Common Coot in smaller size, red frontal shield at base of bill, red bill with yellow point, white line along top of flanks. Has conspicuous white under tail-coverts, divided by black down the centre, which are exhibited by its habit of constantly flicking the tail. Legs bright yellow-green. During swimming, head nods characteristically at each push of feet; rises with some effort and "runs" over the water surface for some distance. Juvenile browner than adult, with chin and throat white, and bill and shield green-brown.

Voice. Common call is a sharp, croaking "currc" and "kittick".

Distribution. Very common resident and summer visitor.

Habitat. Exploits a wide range of freshwater habitats such as lakes and rivers with cover, canals, ditches, town parks, and moorlands; may feed on grassland but always in the vicinity of cover and water.

Food. Feeds while swimming, or by walking on floating plants or on meadows, grasslands, etc. Food usually obtained by dipping head under water. Takes plant and animal material in varying proportions.