Alectoris graeca (Rock Partridge)

Scientific name: Alectoris graeca (Meisner, 1804)

Bird group: Game birds

Field characters. 34 cm. At a distance cannot be distinguished from Chukar Partridge and Red-legged Partridge; voice is the best diagnostic character. Adult can be distinguished from similar species by larger and whiter patch on throat, bordered by well-delimited purely black band. Upperparts and chest pale blue-grey; flanks whitish, barred vertically with thin black and chestnut lines. Female smaller with duller head pattern. Juvenile smaller and still duller than female.

Voice. Common note a Eurasian Nuthatch-like 'chit-chit-chit'; alarm note an explosive 'pitch-i'; song a varied and staccato 'chi-chi-chi-chi-choo....'.

Distribution. Scarce resident.

Habitat. Frequents hills and mountains, preferring dwarf heaths, pastures, grassy patches, low scrub and rocky escarpments.

Food. Feeds mainly on leaves, shoots, buds, seeds and fruits of plants; during breeding season chicks and females take also invertebrates such as beetles, flies, caterpillars and ants.