Aquila chrysaetos (Golden Eagle)

Scientific name: Aquila chrysaetos (Linnaeus, 1758)

Bird group: Birds-of-prey

Field characters. Length 75-88 cm; wingspan 190-227 cm. Characterised by big size, and majestic, soaring flight on broad wings held in shallow V, interrupted for an occasional wing-beat. In flight with noticeably protruding head, long wings and long, broad tail. Adult with completely dark red-brown upperparts, tinged yellow on head, neck, and shoulders; in flight, pale secondary coverts form a bar on upperwing. Juvenile with white bases to inner primaries and outer secondaries, and white tail with broad terminal band (visible from above and below), gradually lost with age.

Voice. Produces a yelping call: "way-ah", but usually silent.

Distribution. Fairly scarce resident.

Habitat. Inhabits wild and barren mountainous areas, lowland forests, and sometimes sea-cliffs.

Food. Hunts by quartering ground during low flight and taking prey in swift pounce. Diet consists mainly of mammals and birds, but it takes also reptiles, fish, and insects.