Aquila pomarina (Lesser Spotted Eagle)

Scientific name: Aquila pomarina Brehm, 1831

Bird group: Birds-of-prey

Field characters. Length 60-65 cm; wingspan 134-160 cm. Strongly resembles Spotted Eagle but slightly smaller and usually paler on crown and upper wing; separation in the field sometimes impossible however. In flight, differs from Spotted Eagle in shorter, narrower, more rounded wings with very short 7th primary tip. Body chocolate-brown to buff below; similarly coloured underwing-coverts contrast with black-brown flight- and tail-feathers; underwing with characteristic double white carpal crescent (only one in Spotted). White primary patch on upperwing more conspicuous and more extensive than in Spotted Eagle. Older individuals have greyish-yellow head and wing-coverts, contrasting with darker mantle and scapulars. Upper tail-coverts sometimes with traces of white. Juvenile with pale upperwing coverts, contrasting with black greater coverts and secondaries; fewer and smaller whitish spots than young Spotted Eagle; usually with pale rusty patch on nape; buff-white V on upper tail-coverts; double carpal crescent on underwing.

Voice. During the breeding season a high-pitched, yelping "kyek-kyek-kyek".

Distribution. Rare summer visitor.

Habitat. Prefers mature lowland forests near water or wetland but occurs also in mountain woods.

Food. Hunts by quartering ground in slow gliding flight, taking prey on ground. Feeds mainly on small mammals (voles, hamster, mice, rat, moles, ground squirrels), birds (poor fliers, ground nesters, juveniles). Also takes reptiles, amphibians, and large insects.

Eggs. Eggs variably spotted, spots reddish brown/grey/brown/violet grey, sometimes concentrated at one end; ground colour white. Texture rough granular, not glossy. Shape short subelliptical (usually)/subelliptical (sometimes). Size 64 x 52 mm (60-70 x 47-59), weight 79-87. First egg of a clutch bigger and often more strongly marked.